"Posterity, you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in heaven that ever I took half the pains to preserve it." -John Adams

Welcome to Patriot's Lament. We strive here to educate ourselves on Liberty. We will not worry ourselves so much with the daily antics of American politics, and drown ourselves in the murky waters of the political right or left.
Instead, we will look to the Intellectuals and Champions of Liberty, and draw on their wisdom of what it is to be a truly free people. We will learn from where our Providential Liberties are derived, and put the proper perspective of a Free Individual and the State.
Please join us!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Patriot's Lament with Daniel McAdams

Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity joins us for the first hour of Patriot's Lament. Daniel talks about Ron Paul's days in the Congress, and what it was like working for him. Daniel also talks to us about U.S. foreign policy, and the importance of having trade with others countries instead of war, and how important Peace is to Liberty.

Patriot's Lament with Scott Horton

Scott Horton joins us for two hours to talk about U.S. foreign policy. If you know Scott, he can roll all day on this subject. Check out the Scott Horton show here and support him.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

People seriously believe this...

I don't know if I need to explain all the things wrong with this. I actually took a picture of this in the workplace of a "conservative Christian". Obviously it is saying the constitution is the ordained word of God. So it should be revered like the Bible?
Makes me sick. Funny it places Lincoln so close to Christ, a mass murderer who trampled the constitution under his feet. Lincoln that is.
Share this one with your friends, and explain to them that this is wrong! You may even go to a church who would put this up on a wall of the church if they had a copy.
Idolatry anyone?

I don't like Uncle Sam...

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Daniel McAdams to join us today!

Daniel, who is now the Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, will be joining us in the first hour of the Patriot's Lament radio show, 9-11am Alaska time, or 1-3pm eastern.
Join us!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

We're All Conspiracy Theorists Now

Nice to see the mainstream media catching up to Patriot's Lament, which has been inveighing against militarized police for years.

Meanwhile, if you'd like to know what equipment your local infantry-sorry, cops have acquired from the Department of Defense for use against you and your neighbors, here's the catalog. Yeah, the endless list exhausted and confused me, too. David Fisher has very kindly "visualized" the data for us. His graphic dramatically proves that the only difference between cops and the US Army is a name.