"Posterity, you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in heaven that ever I took half the pains to preserve it." -John Adams

Welcome to Patriot's Lament. We strive here to educate ourselves on Liberty. We will not worry ourselves so much with the daily antics of American politics, and drown ourselves in the murky waters of the political right or left.
Instead, we will look to the Intellectuals and Champions of Liberty, and draw on their wisdom of what it is to be a truly free people. We will learn from where our Providential Liberties are derived, and put the proper perspective of a Free Individual and the State.
Please join us!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Even A Stopped Clock Is Right Twice A Day

Finally, the TSA gets something right! When a journalist who lives in the District of Criminals tried to board a flight home in Orlando, Florida, the TSA's thug refused to accept his driver's license. His victim tweeted: "‪TSA Agent in Orlando never heard of "District of Columbia." Demanded passport because he didn't believe my drivers license was from US!"

Who among us does believe that Washington's cesspool and sewage is from the US?

By the way, this isn't the first time that a license from DC has baffled the TSA's ignorant goons--proof positive that government "service" attracts only the best and the brightest.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Antidote for “Christian” Divorce

Yet another Christian couple tells me they’re dissolving their marriage – despite the young children the Lord has entrusted to them.  I asked the question I usually do when friends deliver such horrific news: “Have you been reading the Bible together each day?”

But I already knew the answer. Indeed, I have yet to hear from any prospective divorcees that they study God’s Word with their spouses daily.

Our Lord commands us to read His Law and to expound it within our families. If you’re neglecting this vital duty, you will one day answer to God Himself as to why. Understand, too, that His judgment may fall on you – and your innocent offspring -- here and now rather than waiting for eternity, as you endure the bitterness, regret, and heartbreak of a disintegrating home.

Finally, each divorce, especially among those of us who are supposed to be salt and light to the world, is a triumph for Leviathan. The beast despises intact, loving families precisely because they are the strongest bastions against it. Ergo, arm yourself and your spouse for battle against Satan’s citadel, the State: read the Bible every day, individually, together as a couple, and corporately with all members of your household. It's the best insurance any family can have.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Becky Akers "Blimp over Bluffdale"

Becky Akers post to the LRC blog the other day this piece about not playing patty cake with the Devil's minions.
"Shaming, isolating, and shunning government’s leeches worked for the American colonists; they dealt so severely with friends and family assisting the British Empire’s tyranny that few Americans dared do so. The Crown had to import from England those “swarms of officers” that the Declaration denounced. The same tactics still work. Are you friends with a bureaucrat or cop? Why? Are your children or siblings contemplating positions with Leviathan? Let them know you take such attacks on freedom personally and that as enemies of all mankind, they can no longer expect a welcome in your home. Don’t be shy about telling the rest of the family your reasons for excluding the miscreant, either."

I think this is such an important tactic that we don't use to it's fullness. It is in the same vein as I wrote in Friends? a while back.
Why do you want to even associate with a person who is willing to see you thrown in a cage? Who is willing to support the State and all it's works? 
Are you friends with a bureaucrat or cop? Why?
Exactly. Why? Do you think just because you are their friend somehow they will all of a sudden not do as their god Leviathan commands? Even if it is against you.
Good luck.
There is even a biblical lesson to this(1st Corinthians 5:5). It is not to reject them just to hate them, but to show your disdain for their choice to serve the State. With the hope of bringing them out of their willful, ignorant Statism.
If we take our Liberty and the Liberty of our fellow man seriously, we will not be complicit with the enemies of freedom. We will not fellowship with thieves and murderers, no matter what they call it; protection, government, taxation, national interest, public good.
Have nothing to do with them. Let righteous social pressure push them out of our communities, as it should be.

Anarchist Highway

Who will build the roads? I have been asked this question enough times to make my head hurt, as most free market Libertarians have. Libertarian scholars much wiser than I have  answered this question,  but the inevitable follow up is, "Is there an example you can point to where this would work?"
I think there is.
The Dalton Highway, otherwise known to Alaskans as the Haul Road, is what I think is the closest example to an Anarchist road in America.
Financed in 1974 by the State and different oil companies and built by Alyeska Pipeline Services, the Haul Road was built to service the North Slope oil fields of Alaska. Alyeska maintained the road until the State of Alaska took over this service. This "service" is such that, just this year, a 150-mile stretch of the road was so bad that 15 mph was too fast to travel. A truck driver hopped into a State road grader and did a little road maintenance himself for about 30 miles; it turned out to be the best stretch of the road. The State was quite miffed because one person did that much during a time the DOT was complaining about lack of funding (but no one will rat out the driver who did it). The trip to Deadhorse is nearly 500 miles from Fairbanks, the industry hub for the oil fields.
There is one private "truck stop" on the route at the halfway point, Coldfoot, population of about 10. In the 12 years that I have driven the route, I have seen maybe a dozen Alaska State troopers on the road. For the most part, you can travel to Deadhorse back and forth for an entire winter and not see a cop. You would think that this would mean the road is in total, constant chaos, with road rage in abundance and crime around every corner.
Not so. The truck drivers that operate on the road have an unwritten code of ethics that provides for a safe trip on an otherwise dangerous road. Every driver governs himself. While the State does have a speed limit, it is rarely followed when the road is in good condition. But when two trucks meet on the narrow roadway, they slow down to a safe speed of around 35 mph or less, so they won't "rock" each other from loose gravel on the mostly gravel road. There is no State law requiring this, but it is a soon-to-be-sorry trucker who is new to the road, who won't listen to friendly advice and who decides he wants to drive in an uncourteous manner, not slowing down when meeting oncoming traffic. If you are known to rock other trucks, the word spreads quickly, and when you meet a few trucks together, they will put the hammer down and make sure to rock your truck. Everyone on the road knows who "that guy" is; the law says he can drive 50 mph and by golly, he is going to.
After a few windshields and the paint being literally rocked off his truck, he gets the point, and becomes a courteous fellow. Social pressure at its finest.
The weather on the road can drop below -50 in the winter, and although the law doesn't require anyone to stop and help a stranded truck driver, again the word will get out that you don't want to be a nice guy. Since it is not a matter of if, but when, you yourself will break down, you put yourself in harm's way; no one will stop to help you. There is no cell phone service for about 450 miles of the trip, and AAA is out of the question. Your life literally depends on how you treat your neighbor. Company rivalries, feuds and squabbles that may happen in town, all go by the wayside. There are several accidents that happen on the road every year, and everyone stops to help. Troopers rarely, if ever, are called out, and somehow the incidents seem to take care of themselves. Within a day or so, the accident is completely cleaned up, no citations are issued, and the road continues to operate. Private insurance picks up the tab.
A couple years ago there was one nasty person who happens to be employed as a revenue officer by the North Slope Borough, known in other terms as a cop. This armed bureaucrat took his job of being a protector to great lengths, and was known to be very uncourteous, to rock oncoming traffic, to write numerous citations of protection, and was quite arrogant to others on the CB radio. He had a badge and he let you know it. He was a jerk. One fine day when the temperature was hanging around -50, his car broke down, a couple of hours from his home base of Deadhorse. No one would help him. No one even cared that he was broke down. He had to sit in his car and wait for a Borough tow truck to come rescue him. I hope he got a little chilly. He now rarely roams the road looking for people to protect. He gets it now.

When you arrive to the oilfields of the North Slope, you are required to stop at a security gate before you can gain access to the 200,000 + acre field, operated and maintained by various oil company operators. This is not a State check point, it is the entrance to a free market society. All of the roads around the oil field to the different drilling sites are built and maintained by the different oil companies.
The guards are usually very friendly and accommodating, they are private persons making a living like you. They have no weapons, (although some do carry guns for protection against bears). When you are on the field you agree to follow the posted speeds, and various traffic and safety rules that the oil companies have made. There are various security folks driving around, and they will pull you over if you are flagrantly breaking a rule. 
But no State cops.
My brother was pulled over for speeding recently, the security guy was nice, explained to him why he pulled him over and said, " I am going to write you up unless there was an emergency reason for your speeding, but there is no monetary fine or penalty involved. But I have to warn you if you get 3 of these you won't be permitted back onto the field, but you can appeal this". 
It was very cold out so my brother said, "let's go sit in your vehicle I want to talk to you about a few things". My brother got into his pickup and explained how they were engaging in a voluntary law society right then (while this guy is writing him up), and how since there was no force involved or implied, neither party felt threatened. My brother told how it was in his best interest to follow the rules so he could make a living on the oil field, and yet he wasn't forced to be there and no one was going to shoot him in the head for breaking a simple rule. A monetary loss if you decide to be stupid since you won't be allowed to work there anymore, but no force is involved, and it's all voluntary. The security guy really got the idea, and said he thought it could work in every day society as well, you have a private road, obey the rules or they don't allow you to use their property.  
My brother has commented to me that at no time has he ever felt threatened when working there, or interacting with security, and I can say I have never felt threatened either, which is a far cry from when I see flashing blue and red lights from a car of a person who wishes to give me a little State protection.
I have not heard of anyone being murdered there, in fact I have heard of little to no crime, and there are about 30,000 plus people working up there at any given time. It is its own sprawled out city.
Imagine that, a lesson in Anarchy, a free society example, being put into practice by those giant, evil, oil corporations.
The next time you see a car broken down by the side of the road, with cars speeding by consider that the Officers of Justice [sic] threaten to fine individuals not licensed by the state who try to show real compassion to their fellow men. In Alaska, you can be given a citation from the State for stopping to help someone pull their car out of a ditch. Or a fender- bender with a cop eagerly writing a citation, not so the person at fault can pay restitution to the person he hit, but so the State can get its fair share, you can thank the roadfare/welfare State, who in its infinite wisdom of owning all roads has destroyed the meaning of self-ownership of the people driving on them, and made them forget the value of their neighbor.
And when people ask you "Who will build the roads?" and insist that it just won't work, you can point to the Haul Road of Alaska, the Anarchist road of America.